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12 of 38 Fulbright Awards go to UCD students, scholars and professionals

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12 of 38 Fulbright Awards go to UCD students, scholars and professionals

12 of 38 Fulbright Awards go to UCD students, scholars and professionals
June 15
09:00 2017
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‌The Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Charlie Flanagan TD has announced 38 new Fulbright Irish Awardees for 2017-2018. Twelve of these awards go to students, scholars and professionals from University College Dublin (UCD).

Jointly funded by the Irish and US governments under the Ireland-United States Commission for Educational Exchange, the Fulbright Awards provide Irish and US students, scholars and professionals with the opportunity to study, lecture and research at leading universities and institutions in the US and Ireland respectively. They were first established in 1957.

“This year’s 38 Irish awardees come from varying academic and professional disciplines, from the liberal arts – including Irish language studies – to science, technology, engineering and maths,” said Minister Flanagan.

“These awards underline the breadth and depth of the Fulbright Commission’s work, covering 34 institutions in 18 states and Washington, DC.”

The successful candidates have shown how their work can positively impact on society. On top of their studies or research, awardees are tasked with being cultural ambassadors during their time in the US. When they come back to Ireland, they are expected to share the knowledge they gained while in the US.

“We are proud to have such bright minds embarking on educational and cultural exchanges to the US, and we look forward to seeing the fruits of their studies and research when they return to Ireland,” said Reece Smyth, chargé d’affaires of the US Embassy in Ireland.

This year is the 60th anniversary of the Fulbright Program in Ireland. “It’s great to see the quality of students and scholars that [the program] still attracts. Their opportunity is huge but so is their responsibility to continue Senator Fulbright’s all too relevant vision of advancing cross-cultural understanding. I know they are fully up to the challenge,” said Dr Dara FitzGerald, director of the Fulbright Commission in Ireland.

The Fulbright Awards are presented on an annual basis to Irish students, scholars and professionals to undertake postgraduate study and research at higher education, cultural and related institutions in the United States.

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