Allstate Sales Group to Establish Software Development & CAD Support Centres in Waterford & Sligo

Allstate Sales Group Inc. (ASG), a provider of turnkey engineering and construction services to the telecommunications industry, is to establish software development and CAD support centres in Ireland, at locations in Waterford and Sligo, creating 200 new jobs over the three years. It is the company’s first operations outside the US. The investment is supported by the Irish Government through IDA Ireland.
Headquartered in New Jersey, US, ASG was founded in 2008 and has operations in eight US locations, including offices in New York, Pittsburgh, Boston, Tampa and Atlanta, employing some 700 people. Services provided include planning, designing, mapping and building the pathways that telecom service providers require to connect new voice and data customers.
ASG will establish at WorkLab Waterford and IT Sligo Campus Innovation Centre during the initial start-up phase. The company is investigating permanent office options in Waterford and Sligo at present to scale their operations.
ASG President and CEO Antony Tepedino said: “We are excited to have the opportunity to develop, work, and grow our international capabilities in Ireland. Our industry, telecommunications, has never been so vibrant; there is no better place to launch our European expansion than Ireland. Ireland provides a wonderful platform to achieve our goals. Its diverse community, business climate, and people will allow ASG to develop and grow. The IDA has laid the groundwork and the response is amazing. We look forward to many years of success in Ireland.”
IDA Ireland CEO Martin Shanahan said: “This is an exciting announcement from this successful engineering services company which operates in a high growth sector. Attracting investment into regional locations is a key focus for IDA Ireland and the fact that this company is establishing operations in not one, but two regional locations is terrific, spreading the benefit of the 100 jobs being created in each area across the South East and North West Regions. ASG is a welcome addition to the Engineering and Industrial Technologies space and will be an excellent reference seller for other companies considering locating here.”
ASG’s Director of European Operations, David Olden, who will manage both Irish sites, said: “The question I get asked most often is why Sligo and Waterford – the answer is simple, ‘It’s the people’. I believe both locations are on the cusp of major growth and I am delighted that ASG are now part of that development. I look forward to building a brand and culture that people can identify with and want to be part of.”
The new roles will include a range of technical and office professionals, including software developers, CAD/ARC-GIS technicians, management, administrative support staff and HR staff. To find out more, go to: